Call for Afridat Research Journal
Afridat is a corporate consulting firm that researches and consults in the area of governance, climate change, agriculture, public health, migration, education, information and communication technology. We are located in Bonn, and our programmes range from monitoring and evaluation, measuring impact, needs assessment and policy recommendation, project management with cross-cutting quantitative and qualitative analysis and research, all geared towards improved productivity and efficiency in all process chains for your companies or corporate entities.
In furtherance of our research initiative which aims to give visibility to different works of experts and researchers in several areas, we are now receiving advance articles for our maiden edition of the Afridat Research Journal (ARJ) publication series in the areas of governance, climate change, agriculture, public health, migration, education, information and communication technology. We invite innovators, researchers, writers and experts to send us their work or a completed but yet unpublished research articles or stories for review before the 30th of June 2019.
We also invite opinion from research analyst that may have an 800-1000-word essay on current research breakthrough or policy thoughts in any of the field mentioned above to email us their advance articles. For further information please visit or send an email to
- This advance article Call is not for the purpose of scientific or research journal but only advance article based on your expert opinions.
- The Afridat team may reject any article that is not original. Please avoid plagiarisms!
- Every author of the accepted advance article stand to gain publicity and expert calls for further potential projects within the domain of Afridat and its partners.